General Meeting   Date: 5 August 2020, 9.30am, Filesize: 986mb Download Meeting


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  • 1 Declaration of Opening
  • 2 Record of Attendance and Leave of Absence
  • 3 Devotional Segment
  • 4 Recognition of Achievement
  • 5 Receipt and Confirmation of Minutes
  • 6 Matters Outstanding from Previous Council Meeting Minutes
  • 7 Mayoral Minute
  • 8 Public Participation
  • 9 Petitions and Presentations
  • 10 Motion to Alter the Order of Business
  • 11 Declaration of Material Personal Interest or Conflict of Interest on Any Items of Business
  • 12 Reports from the Office of the CEO
  • 13 Reports from Organisational Services
  • 13.1 2020 LGAQ Conference and Redland City Council Motions
  • 13.2 Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2015 and Subordinate Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2015
  • 13.3 Making Subordinate Local Law No. 1.8 (Operation of Accomodation Parks) 2015
  • 14 Reports from Community & Customer Services
  • 14.1 Decisions Made under Delegated Authority for Category 1, 2 and 3 Development Applications
  • 14.2 List of Development and Planning Related Court Matters as at 8 July 2020
  • 14.3 Proposed State Government Planning Initiatives to Support Economic Recovery
  • 14.4 Proposed Botanical Garden - Kings Road Russell Island
  • 15 Reports from Infrastructure & Operations
  • 15.1 Geoff Skinner Wetlands, Wellington Point - Revised Concept Plan
  • 16 Notices of Intention to Repeal or Amend a Resolution
  • 17 Notices of Motion
  • 18 Urgent Business Without Notice
  • 19 Confidential Items
  • 19.1 Voluntary Transfer of Land Concession
  • 19.2 Project Delivery Group - Delegated Authority Report to Chief Executive Officer for Award of Contracts over $2m for Financial Year 2020/2021
  • 19.3 2019-2020 Round 2 Sponsorship Report - Applications over $15,000
  • 19.5 Southern Thornlands Potential Future Growth Area Response to Ministerial Direction
  • 19.4 Sutgold Pty Ltd -v- Redland City Council & Anor Appeal No. 1612 of 2020
  • 20 Meeting Closure
  • Previous Meetings

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    View Council Meeting 27 June 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 19 June 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 17 May 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 18 April 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 6 March 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 21 February 2024 General Meeting