General Meeting   Date: 20 April 2022, 9.30am, Filesize: 1.5gb Download Meeting


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  • 1 Declaration of Opening
  • 2 Record of Attendance and Leave of Absence
  • 3 Devotional Segment
  • 4 Recognition of Achievement
  • 5 Receipt and Confirmation of Minutes
  • 6 Declaration of Prescribed Conflict of Interests and Declarable Conflict of Interests
  • 7 Matters Outstanding from Previous Council Meetings
  • 7.1 Expressions of Interest Campaign - Redlands Coast Tourist and Community Destination, MacArthur St, Alexandra Hills
  • 7.2 Notice of Motion - Cr Julie Talty - Investigation into the Purchase and Dispersal of Land on Russell Island
  • 7.3 Proposed Stormwater Improvement Works Program
  • 8 Mayoral Minute
  • 9 Public Participation
  • 10 Petitions and Presentations
  • 11 Motion to Alter the Order of Business
  • 12 Reports from the Office of the CEO
  • 13 Reports from Organisational Services
  • 13.1 Appointment of Deputy Mayor
  • 13.2 March 2022 Monthly Financial Report
  • 13.3 2022 Federal Election Advocacy
  • 14 Reports from Community & Customer Services
  • 14.1 MCU21/0057 - Material Change of Use for a Transport Depot at 64 Heinemann Road, Redland Bay
  • 14.2 RAL21/0125 - Reconfiguring a Lot for Standard Format 1 into 2 Lots at 20 Rye Street, Wellington Point
  • 14.3 LATE ITEM Entry of a State Heritage Place into the Queensland Heritage Register - Lot 2 on RP211270 and Lot 2 on SP146445
  • 15 Reports from Infrastructure & Operations
  • 15.1 Lease Renewal - Redland Bridge Club Incorporated
  • 15.2 Lease Renewal - Isle of Coochie Golf Club Incorporated
  • 15.3 Lease Renewal - Tingira Boat Club Incorporated
  • 16 Notices of Intention to Repeal or Amend a Resolution
  • 17 Notices of Motion
  • 17.1 Cr Julie Talty - Wastewater Treatment Policy for Southern Moreton Bay Islands
  • 18 Urgent Business Without Notice
  • 19 Confidential Items
  • 19.1 Redland Investment Corporation Financial Report for Period Ending 31 December 2021
  • 19.2 Extension to Lease - Cleveland
  • 19.3 Purchase and Disposal of Land on Russell Island
  • 20 Meeting Closure
  • Previous Meetings

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    View Council Meeting 27 June 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 19 June 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 17 May 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 18 April 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 6 March 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 21 February 2024 General Meeting