General Meeting   Date: 17 August 2022, 9.30am, Filesize: 1.3gb Download Meeting


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  • 1 Declaration of Opening
  • 2 Record of Attendance and Leave of Absence
  • 3 Devotional Segment
  • 4 Recognition of Achievement
  • 5 Receipt and Confirmation of Minutes
  • 6 Declaration of Prescribed Conflict of Interests and Declarable Conflict of Interests
  • 7 Matters Outstanding from Previous Council Meetings
  • 7.1 Proposed Stormwater Improvement Works Program
  • 7.2 The Draft Birkdale Community Precinct Master Plan
  • 7.3 Petition Cr Peter Mitchell - Request to Reverse the Changes to Regulated Parking in the Cleveland Central Business District
  • 7.4 Notice of Motion - Investigation into Location for Wildlife Hospital
  • 8 Mayoral Minute
  • 9 Public Participation
  • 10 Petitions and Presentations
  • 10.1 Petition Cr Lance Hewlett - Request for Explanation on Rates and Charges Increase in Redland City
  • 10.2 Petition Cr Peter Mitchell - Request a Public Meeting Explaining High Rates
  • 10.3 Petition Cr Lance Hewlett - Request Redland City Council to Permit and Accept No Confidence Motions at Council Meetings
  • 11 Motion to Alter the Order of Business
  • 12 Reports from the Office of the CEO
  • 13 Reports from Organisational Services
  • 13.1 2021-2022 to 2022-2023 Carryover Budget Review
  • 13.2 July 2022 Monthly Financial Report
  • 13.3 Change of Date for October General Meeting
  • 14 Reports from Advocacy, Major Projects and Economic Development
  • 15 Reports from Community & Customer Services
  • 15.1 MCU21/0209 Material Change of use for a Multiple Dwelling x 4 Units at 63 Main Road, Wellington Point
  • 15.1 MCU21/0209 Material Change of use for a Multiple Dwelling x 4 Units at 63 Main Road, Wellington Point (Motion to lie on the table)
  • 15.2 MCU22/0014 Preliminary Approval (including a variation request) for an Educational Establishment
  • 15.3 Draft Birkdale Community Land Precinct Consultation Report
  • 15.4 Birkdale Community Land Precinct - Statutory Planning Pathways
  • 16 Reports from Infrastructure & Operations
  • 17 Notices of Intention to Repeal or Amend a Resolution
  • 18 Notices of Motion
  • 18.1 Notice of Motion - Cr Paul Gollé - Call to Remove the Community Infrastructure Program
  • 18.2 Notice of Motion - Cr Paul Gollé - Request to Disperse Councillors from the Cleveland Administration Building
  • 18.3 Notice of Motion - Cr Paul Gollé - Request to Widen the Scope of Councillors Conflicts of Interest in Local Government
  • 19 Urgent Business Without Notice
  • 20 Confidential Items
  • 21 Meeting Closure
  • Previous Meetings

    Meeting Number Date Meeting Type
    View Council Meeting 27 June 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 19 June 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 17 May 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 18 April 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 6 March 2024 General Meeting
    View Council Meeting 21 February 2024 General Meeting